Student Scholarship award winners and their parents joined us at our June 19th meeting and told us a little about their service to the community and their future college plans before being presented with a check for their college expenses by President Dave. Three very deserving scholarship award winners.

James Clement (Irondequoit High School) did many projects in community service with his connection to the Boy Scouts as an Eagle Scout. He worked at House of Mercy Shelter to create wooden storage units for storing supplies outdoors and other projects to beautify the campus. He served on Student Council, played football, track & field and was a member of the Mastermind Club. He is on his way to Syracuse University to study Nutrition.

Garrett Silva (Eastridge) cleaned up area beaches and worked at Open Door Missions serving the homeless and others less fortunate. He is a member of the National Honor Society, played soccer and tennis and will be attending RIT for an engineering degree.

Alicia Opett (Bishop Kearney) worked in Campus Ministry managing 3 overnight retreats helping fellow students grow their spirituality. She had over 100 hours of service projects during her time at Kearney including leading a Track Team Compeer project with Veterans. Alicia is attending St. John Fisher studying Psychology in the fall.

Steve Salluzo and Tom O'Neil from Bishop Kearney were presented with a check in thanks for letting our club have our annual Pasta Dinner there raising money over the years. Last year was another 100% college acceptance for seniors leaving BK. Tom and Steve recognized Irondequoit Rotary for our leadership in community service.